RSHE Support Programme

Are you confident that the RSHE in your school is headed in the right direction?
We offer a support programme working closely with your Pastoral Leads, Head of Wellbeing, RSHE lead and/or Head of PSHE to audit existing provision and review your policy.

Following the audit we undertake a series of meetings and compile a report with recommendations to address any issues you have as a school and to make sure you are compliant with Statutory RSHE.

Excerpts from feedback:

The RSHE Consultancy Process with It Happens Education was extremely useful and supportive.

Thanks to It Happens Education excellent advice we were able to update policies and paperwork.

The ISI inspection team were impressed we had taken the initiative to conduct an external audit and were interested to read the final report

I would thoroughly recommend this process to all Heads of PSHEE; it is a great tool for reflection to enable you to ensure you are meeting inspection standards….and to ensure you are providing the best provision possible for your pupils.