Live Webinar

Developed during Covid lockdown, now continued due to their success and popular demand. We lead the session, your teachers facilitate it and young people engage using Mentimeter to vote, poll and interact.

Live & Interactive

External speakers are beamed into the classroom. Feels as if we are there.


We also offer webinars for Parent Presentations, involving all the family, from home

Tailored Content

We always offer pre-session surveys to ensure live webinars meet your needs

Safe Space

Mentimeter is anonymous. It encourages engagement without inhibition

Any Platform

We can deliver across Zoom, Meets, Teams or your internal platform

Great digital engagement through Mentimeter

Accessed through mobile, tablet or laptop allows for anonymous questions & voting

“I thought you were absolutely excellent, especially given how difficult these things can be to deliver remotely. It was brilliant to have someone delivering exactly the right messages in exactly the right tone – direct, clear, realistic and sensible but with plenty of humour and humanity. Really refreshing! Thank you again; I’m delighted we were able to find some genuinely high quality provision for our students on this.”

Head Teacher of Senior School